Tobii PCEye 5 Eye Gaze Computer Access System #1 (LL-CI1023) Due 9/23/2024

*** Request Lending Library Laptop #2 (LL-IAS1023) if you want the PCEye with a computer it is already configured and mounted to. This laptop is loaded with the 'TD Control' eye gaze computer control software needed for computer interaction with the 'PCEye 5'. ***

PCEye is a compact eye tracker that enables people with physical disabilities to control a Windows computer with their eyes.

Replace a traditional keyboard and mouse with your eyes and surf the web, connect on social media, play games, create documents and more. Simply connect the PCEye to your Windows device via USB, and access everything your computer has to offer, intuitively and independently with TD Control.

Use the PCEye on Windows tablets, laptops and desktop monitors, with screens up to 27" in size. Please check the specifications for exact requirements. It can be used both indoors and outdoors, even in bright light.

PCEye is a discreet eye tracker that can be used as a complementary tool to a dedicated communication device such as the I-Series. It offers added flexibility and convenience to meet different needs throughout the day. Use it with a larger-screen computer for gaming, a laptop for meetings or a tablet for pared-down outings.

Based on 15+ years of testing across different ethnicities, eyewear and lighting conditions, our newest eye tracker delivers precise screen target selection and the fastest recovery time if the device loses track of your eyes.

Replacement Cost of $1,500

Unboxing the PCEye 5

Setting up Eye Gaze Access

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