HeadMouse (mouse alternative) #1 (LL-MO1011) In Stock Now

HeadMouse Extreme replaces the standard computer mouse for people who cannot use or have limited use of their hands. The HeadMouse translates natural movements of a user's head into directly proportional mouse pointer movement – move your head and the mouse pointer follows along. The HeadMouse has a wireless optical sensor which tracks a tiny disposable target (silver reflective dot sticker) worn by the user on his/her forehead, glasses, or even a hat. It works just like a computer mouse, with the mouse pointer being controlled by head movement. HeadMouse Extreme provides hands-free access to a computer, tablet, smartphone or Speech Generating Device (SGD). The HeadMouse will track head movement with the user comfortably located anywhere in front of his/her computer display. With HeadMouse Extreme and an on-screen keyboard a person with disabilities can use any application. 1 integrated switch jack provides access for a mouse click. HeadMouse Extreme connects to the computer, tablet, smartphone or speech generating device through a USB port and operates using standard mouse drivers. No special software is required. The HeadMouse is powered by the host device, over the USB connection. A free mouse dwell software tool is available from the Library. **Replacement cost for current version is $1,100.00

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